Expired News - After weeks of bad news, Pat Sajak puts own 'spin' on climate change - The Weather Network
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Following the dire news about the effects of climate change over the past two weeks, American gameshow host Pat Sajak causes man-made storm in the Twitterverse.

After weeks of bad news, Pat Sajak puts own 'spin' on climate change

Scott Sutherland
Meteorologist/Science Writer

Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 12:04 PM - Over the past two weeks, there's been a dramatic up-tick in the number of stories about the effects of global warming and climate change, and it seems to have gotten to Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak, as he took to Twitter on Monday night, to voice his own sentiments on the subject.

First it was news that carbon dioxide levels at Mauna Loa in Hawaii reached 400 ppm for the entire month of April, setting a new record for the entirety of human history, and this less than one year after that same site recorded just one full day's average at that concentration. Then the U.S. government issued their National Climate Assessment report, showing that climate change is not an issue for the future, but is affecting us right now, and warning of the dire consequences of further delays in taking action. The U.S. Military released their own report right after, deeming climate change as a growing threat to national security.

Reports from all over the world are showing the effects of climate change, both now and for the future: 

Even with all of this, Mr. Sajak's response (perhaps only meant to stir up trouble) wasn't well-received:

However, even if he was just joking, as he claimed afterwards, this isn't exactly an isolated incident. Earlier in the day he reported 'accusing' his nephew of being a "Tooth Fairy denier" (despite the "settled folklore") and a few days before he wrote:

He's also recently poked at PETA, Google and the NSA, the gay community and even Mother's Day

Along with the overwhelming backlash that Sajak witnessed on his Twitter account, a few responses have stood out from the others, most notably from Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann:

Also, some rather clever references back to Sajak's very own gameshow:

Mr. Sajak had his counter-point to all the criticism he's received, but it doesn't show much movement from the same basic sentiment as the Tweet that sparked the backlash in the first place, and it shows a certain lack of sympathy for the abuse, legal hassles and even death threats that have been aimed at supporters of climate change science and the IPCC.

However, if he wants to stick to the "I was just joking" line, that's his right. As for an appropriate response to Mr. Sajak on the subject, however, one really doesn't need to go much further than his own Twitter feed, from roughly a month ago:

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