Expired News - Ajax, Ont. family at odds with city officials over front yard skating rink - The Weather Network
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For three years in a row, Karen Callery has built an ice rink for her two kids on her front yard in Ajax, Ont. -- but last week, officials ordered her to dismantle the rink following a complaint from an anonymous neighbour.

Ajax, Ont. family at odds with city officials over front yard skating rink

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 3:35 PM - For three years in a row, Karen Callery has built an ice rink for her two kids on her front yard in Ajax, Ont. -- but last week, officials ordered her to dismantle the rink following a complaint from an anonymous neighbour.

She was warned that keeping the rink could result in a $25,000 fine.

According to officials, the 5-by-6-metre rink violates the city's appearance standard, a municipal bylaw. The order to dismantle was reversed this week. Officials are now saying she can keep the rink until the end of March break, but may not be able to create another one next year.

The story has sparked numerous comments on social media, with multiple people tweeting their support to Callery.

Some of her neighbours feel the same way.

“If that’s what she wants to do for her kids, there’s nothing wrong with it,” neighbour Angela Ficili told the Toronto Star.

It's the latest in what some are calling a ' crackdown on winter activities.'

Earlier this season, numerous Canadian and U.S. cities enforced no tobogganing rules, citing costly lawsuits. 


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