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Diver encounters gray whale and calf in kelp forest

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 9:18 AM - Daniel Joline really hit the jackpot when he was diving off the coast of California last week.

It seems he often goes out with a buddy and a spear gun for some marine hunting, but thoughts of prey seem to have completely left his mind when he looked down into the depths and saw a pair of gray whales.

His obvious excitement is a big contrast to the whales, gliding in total silence through the kelp forest Joline and his buddy were moving through.

He seems to be a talented diver himself, with no problem diving to their level, around 10 m down, to actually touch the calf before shooting back up. If either the calf or its mother were offended, or even noticed him, they gave no sign.

Gray whales frequent the coasts of western North America and northeastern Asia, migrating yearly. 

On a map, that doesn't look like much, but it's a round trip of thousands of kilometres. Just last week, researchers announced one gray whale had set a new record for its migration -- an astonishing 22,000 km between 2011 and 2012.


WATCH THE GRAY WHALE VIDEO BELOW: Caution - video contains language not suitable for all.

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