Expired News - Five photos: All about jellyfish - The Weather Network
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From a safe distance, jellyfish are incredibly photogenic. Here are five stunning photos, sent in by you.

Five photos: All about jellyfish

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Tuesday, September 2, 2014, 2:05 PM -

    If you ever come across a jellyfish in the wild, you don't want to get too close.

    A sting from one of these creatures can leave you in pain for days. Some species can even inflict serious, long-lasting health consequences on their victims.

    But from a safe distance, jellyfish sure are photogenic.

    Here are five stunning photos, sent in by you.

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    1. Submitted by Kevin Beasley, Toronto, Ontario

    2. Submitted by Roger Luo, Vancouver, British Columbia

    3. Submitted by Geeta Persaud, Winnipeg, Manitoba

    4. Submitted by Michael Bamrah, Mississauga, Ontario

    5. Submitted by Patrick Liu, Scarborough, Ontario

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