Expired News - Five photos: Strange clouds - The Weather Network
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Clouds never cease to amaze us -- and judging by the amount of cloud-themed photos you've submitted to our website, you feel the same way!

Five photos: Strange clouds

Find Your Forecast
    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Thursday, June 19, 2014, 1:53 PM -

    Clouds never cease to amaze us -- and judging by the amount of cloud-themed photos you've submitted to our website, you feel the same way!

    Here are five photos that caught our eye.

    SEE YOURSELF ON TELEVISION!: Every hour at :02, :12, :22, :32, :42 and :52 we feature the best viewer-submitted photos. Tune in to see if your photo is featured. | UPLOAD HERE

    1. Mammatus clouds, submitted by Chris Coley, Whitby, Ontario

    2. Giant shelf cloud, submitted by Mark Duffy, Regina, Saskatchewan

    3. Wall cloud, submitted by Zach Krupski, Regina, Saskatchewan

    4. Storm cloud, submitted by Juhli Seifert, Riceton, Saskatchewan

    5. Storm front, submitted by John, Windsor, Ontario

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