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It looks like frost flowers, but it's actually a tribute to a 19th century master of a long-forgotten photography technique.

Google Doodle a tribute to first-ever photo book

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Monday, March 16, 2015, 12:53 PM - If you did a Google search today (which you almost certainly have), you may have been drawn to the tranquil blue of today's Google Doodle.

It's a tribute to Anna Atkins, a 19th Century photographer who is believe to have produced the first-ever book of photographs. Monday was her 216th birthday.

She took algae and plants from the U.K. and beyond, pressed them against paper soaked in light-sensitive chemicals, and exposed them to sunlight, a process known as a cyanotype (it's the same method once used to produce blueprints).

She self-published Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions way back in 1843, becoming the first known photographer to publish a photo book. She published another volume of cyanotypes of British and foreign fern types the following decade.

Here are some of her best shots:

Adiantum Capillus Veneris

Ceylon fern


Equisetum sylvaticum

Gleichenia immersa (Jamaica)

Leucojam Varium

Uvena Novae Villiae

SOURCES: Paul J. Getty Museum | Time | The Guardian

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