Expired News - House is London is made of wax, and it's slowly melting away - The Weather Network
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Creepy houses are a common sight around Halloween, and artist Alex Chinneck's wax house might be the creepiest of them all.

House is London is made of wax, and it's slowly melting away

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Thursday, October 30, 2014, 4:00 PM -

Creepy houses are a common sight around Halloween, and artist Alex Chinneck's wax house might be the creepiest of them all.

The structure, which has been sitting in the heart of London, England since September 18, is made of wax -- and it's slowly melting away.

The 2-storey installment was created for the 2014 MERGE art festival and consists of 8,000 wax bricks.

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What started off as a picturesque home has now morphed into a Grade-A haunted house.

The weather isn't the only thing that's shrinking the structure: Chinneck is speeding the process along with the help of a heating tool. By the time the festival wraps up on November 18, the home is expected to be nothing more than a pile of goop.

Photos courtesy of Alex Chinneck/ MERGE Festival

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