Expired News - IN PICTURES: Arthur lashes the Maritimes - The Weather Network
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Here's what the storm looked like on Twitter Saturday.

IN PICTURES: Arthur lashes the Maritimes

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    Daniel Martins
    Digital Reporter

    Saturday, July 5, 2014, 8:54 PM -

    STORM WATCH: Tune in on TV for live coverage of this storm, along with on-the-ground reports from Chris St. Clair and Nathan Coleman. If it's safe to do so, upload YOUR photos and videos here.

    Although no longer a hurricane, post-tropical storm Arthur has been lashing the Maritime provinces Saturday morning, even before making landfall near Yarmouth around 7:30 ADT.

    With winds gusting up to 100 km/h in parts of Nova Scotia, and more than 100 mm of rain set to fall on parts of New Brunswick, this is a powerful storm that has left more than 100,000 customers in the dark, along with widespread flight cancellations.

    Here's what Arthur looks like on social media.

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