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Mysterious flash lights up Russian sky and baffles scientists

Dalia Ibrahim
Digital Reporter

Sunday, November 23, 2014, 3:30 PM - Citizens and scientists alike were left scratching their heads after a massive flash of light seemingly appeared out of no where in Russia's Sverdlovsk region on November 14.

The footage was caught on a number of Russian dashcams, which are widely used for insurance integrity purposes across the country. 

The eruption lit up the sky for about 11 seconds. Eyewitnesses say it was not accompanied by any sound. 

"For a few moments night turned into dazzling day, then everything went dark again," a witness told The Siberian Times.

So far, scientists and regional meteorologists have not been able to explain the strange phenomenon. 

A local observatory indicated nothing fell from the sky on the day of the flash.

ASTEROIDS AND FALLING SPACESHIPS: See five crazy lights in the sky

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(Via: 247NewsVideos, YouTube)

(Via: 247NewsVideos, YouTube)

(Via: 247NewsVideos, YouTube)

(Via: 247NewsVideos, YouTube)

(Via: 247NewsVideos, YouTube)

(Via: 247NewsVideos, YouTube)

(Via: 247NewsVideos, YouTube)

Some believe the explosion included a missile or an object from space. Yet it did not appear to have the same shape or pattern as the Chelyabinsk meteorite that exploded over the Urals in February 2013

It is also possible that the light did not originate from the sky, but rather came from the ground and was being reflected off the clouds. 

Officials are still investigating to determine the cause of the flash. 

What do you think it is? Let us know in the comments below.

RELATED VIDEO: Dash-cams catch meteor over Russia

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