Expired News - NASA satellites capture Typhoon Utor - The Weather Network
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A NASA satellite captures images of powerful Super-Typhoon Utor as it hits the Philippines.

NASA satellites capture Typhoon Utor

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    Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 7:58 AM -

    A NASA satellite captured images of Typhoon Utor as it tracked towards and battered the northern Philippines on Monday. 

    The storm left at least two people dead and 44 missing and has been described as the strongest typhoon globally this year.

    It slammed ashore in mountainous eastern Aurora province with sustained winds of 175 km/h and gusts of up to 210 km/h. The typhoon triggered waves of up to 2.5 metres and left scores of fishermen missing. 

    The storm also prompted evacuations and damaged over 600 homes early Monday.

    Utor picked up speed as it continued to move away from the country and is forecast to reach southern China by Wednesday.

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