Expired News - Rare endangered rhino dies at San Diego Zoo Safari Park, only five remain in the world - The Weather Network
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A 44-year-old rhino died at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Belonging to a rare and endangered species, there now only five rhinos of its kind left on the planet.

Rare endangered rhino dies at San Diego Zoo Safari Park, only five remain in the world

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 8:28 AM - Another species is one step closer to its extinction.

A northern white rhinoceros died at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park Sunday, leaving behind only five more of its kind, worldwide.

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Angalifu, the 44-year-old rhino, died of old age.

National Geographic reports that Angalifu was under veterinary care for "a variety of ailments" at the San Diego Zoo Park, according to an interview with mammal curator Randy Rieches. The rhino was one of six remaining in his species.

CNN reports poaching to be one of the primary threats that pushed the northern white rhino to the brink of extinction, as many cultures believe the rhino horn has medicinal value. Rhino horns are also valued as dagger handles, BBC notes.

The San Diego Zoo Safari Park is home to another white rhino, Nola.

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With files from CNN.

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