Expired News - Rare pink dolphin spotted, and this time may be pregnant - The Weather Network
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A rare pink dolphin nicknamed 'Pinky' has been spotted once again in the Louisiana River, and witnesses say she may be pregnant.

Rare pink dolphin spotted, and this time may be pregnant

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 7:21 AM - A rare pink dolphin nicknamed 'Pinky' has been spotted once again in the Louisiana River, and witnesses say she may be pregnant.

Captain Erik Rue of Calcasieu Charter Service first spotted the beloved dolphin in 2007 while fishing with his company.

Back then Pinky was a baby, and stuck close to her mother.

RELATED: rare albino dolphin captured off Florida coast

Now, Pinky is an adult and swims on her own and occasionally with a pod of dolphins.

"We still see her swimming almost every day in the summertime," Rue told Fox News.

"She looks happy and healthy."

It was originally thought that Pinky was an albino dolphin, but now witnesses aren't so sure because she's more pink that white, like other albino dolphins.

Rue told reporters he recently saw Pinky mating, leading to speculation she may be pregnant.

Source: MyFox8

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