Expired News - Rare white deer making headlines in Nova Scotia - The Weather Network
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Rare white deer making headlines in Nova Scotia

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Friday, October 10, 2014, 5:58 PM - A rare type of white deer has been spotted near Halifax multiple times, CTV reports.

The young deer -- which is known as a piebald -- has made several appearance in recent weeks, often spotted with its mother in residential areas.

"I looked out and thought I saw a goat," Bruce Stearman told CTV Atlantic. He was able to snap a few photos before it walked back into the woods.

He says he saw the deer again about a week later.

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According to Andrew Hebda, curator of zoology at Nova Scotia's Museum of Natural history, piebalds have been present in the area for at least a century. Hedbda told the news agency there are "at least three" in the area at the moment.

"Piebald" is a generic term for an animal that has a pattern of large unpigmented fur, feathers or scales, along with darker pigmented areas.

Horses, dogs, birds, cats and pigs are among other animals that can affected by the genetic condition.

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