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Scores dead as heavy rain lashes northern India

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Thursday, September 4, 2014, 6:14 PM - Three days of heavy rain have brought chaos to parts of Northern India as an intense monsoon season continues to cause trouble.

As many as 65 people have been killed by flash flooding and landslides and the situation is likely to get worse. 

Several waterways are at very high levels and could burst their banks in the Kashmir region. 

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Over 50 millimeters (mm) of rain fell between September 3rd and 4th in the Srinagar region, sending the Jhelum River over 1 metre above flood stage. 

Disaster Management teams are in the hardest hit Jammu region but face a race against time to evacuate the most vulnerable. 

Over 100 people have been rescued so far but officials warn as many as 30 villages could be completely inundated by water and mud. Over 120 buildings have been damaged or destroyed. 

Flood warnings have extended into neighboring Pakistan for the next 3 days, where major waterways like the Jammu and Kashmir flow. 

Flooding has been a major problem over the last month for parts of India and Nepal. Heavy rain in August saw at least 56 people die in the northeast while in neighboring Nepal, landslides buried villages, killing 100.

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