Expired News - Shocking photos show Vanuatu before and after Cyclone Pam - The Weather Network
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Shocking images have surfaced online from pilot William Dyer, who provides a bird's-eye-view of Pam's destruction in Vanuatu.

Shocking photos show Vanuatu before and after Cyclone Pam

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 3:20 PM - Earlier this month Cyclone Pam took a swipe at Vanuatu, an archipelago in the South Pacific.

Dubbed “[o]ne of the Pacific Ocean’s most powerful storms ever,”  Aerial footage showed many homes entirely obliterated by the strong wind gusts of up to 300 km/h—equivalent to a category 5 hurricane. A state of emergency was declared for all 65 islands after Pam destroyed most of capital city Port Vila.

The Australian Red Cross said the islands had suffered "unbelievable destruction", with people sheltering in caves in some areas.

Now, shocking images have surfaced online from pilot William Dyer, who provides a bird's-eye-view of Pam's destruction.

Large areas appear to be completely deforested.

The images have gone viral, racking up hundreds of shares and attention from several media outlets.

Source: Facebook

Emae before and after....

Posted by William Dyer on Tuesday, March 17, 2015
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