Expired News - Strange rock resembling a human skull found on Mars - The Weather Network
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A photo taken several years ago on Mars is back in the news after the website Paranormal Crucible zoomed in on a peculiar Mars rock and then digitally altered it to show its resemblance to a human skull.

Strange rock resembling a human skull found on Mars

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 5:02 PM - A photo taken several years ago on Mars is back in the news after the website Paranormal Crucible zoomed in on a peculiar Mars rock  and then digitally altered it to show its resemblance to a human skull.

In the original NASA image the skull is difficult to make out, although it is visible in the top left-hand corner.

According to the website UFO Sightings Daily, there's an "80 percent chance" the skull is "real", and that it's up to 20 percent longer than a typical skull, making it 10 3 metres long.

While the object is certainly real, astronomers would disagree with UFO Sightings' assessment that it is a human skull.

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In reality, the formation is more likely a Martian rock that's been eroded by sand and wind.

NASA hasn't commented on the photo but  this isn't the first time the space agency has published an image that's sparked internet speculation.

Other objects supposedly discovered on Mars include a face (it turned out to be a rocky hill), and Star Trek Starfleet logos (which were later identified as a series of sand dunes).

Courtesy: NASA

Courtesy: NASA

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