Expired News - Nobody knows why piles of worms suddenly appeared in Texas - The Weather Network
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The recent floods in Texas have helped conjure up some pretty strange scenes. Like this one, for example.

Nobody knows why piles of worms suddenly appeared in Texas

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 7:26 PM - The recent floods in Texas have helped conjure up some pretty strange scenes. Earlier this month, rapidly dwindling water levels following the flood left fish stuck in a chain-link fence in Corpus Christi. Now, we present to you: Clumps of worms in Eisenhower State Park.

A video uploaded to Facebook by Texas Park and Wildlife last week shows several 'worm balls' on roadways.

Many of them seemed to congregate in between the yellow lines on the road.

"We’re still puzzled why they decided to line up in the middle of the road. Even our biologist doesn’t know why they’re spaced so well and in the line," Ben Herman, park superintendent at Eisenhower State Park in North Texas, near the Oklahoma border, told ABC News Tuesday.

RELATED: Dramatic photos show extent of flooding in Texas

Park officials suspect the worms were either forced onto the roadway by the floodwaters. Another theory is they may banded together due to the constant pounding of the rain, which led them to believe predators were afoot.

According to ABC, the worms stayed on the road for about two days before venturing back into the soil.

Parts of Texas were inundated with rain in late May after a series of storms moved through the region.

Dozens of people were killed by the fast-moving water.

Sources: Facebook | ABC


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