Expired News - 'Tree-sus': Man sees image of Jesus in tree trunk - The Weather Network
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'Tree-sus': Man sees image of Jesus in tree trunk

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Monday, September 29, 2014, 5:04 PM - The owner of a lumber yard in Memphis, Tennessee says that the image of Jesus "jumped out" at him when he was cutting up a slab of wood.

Daniel Turbeville says he saw the sacred image -- which he describes as the "depiction of Christ" -- on a tree trunk, adding  that "about 70 percent" of the people who have seen his discovery see it too.

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Turbeville says that 'Tree-sus' might be part of the "bigger vision" that led him to start his tree-recycling business.

He thinks the slab would look best in a church, and he's willing to part with it -- provided there's an interested buyer.

Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee

If you're seeing what Turbeville is seeing you have no need to worry.

In fact, seeing the face of Jesus is a good sign that your brain is healthy.

"The human brain is a powerful pattern recognition tool. This tool has allowed us to reach great heights of success as a species and develop impressive intellectual abilities to examine our universe. However, sometimes the tool works a bit too well. We look at random objects, and see images and patterns that aren't really there. This is known as pareidolia," explains Weather Network meteorologist Scott Sutherland.

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