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There's been a spate of bears taking over people's backyards recently, and the phenomenon isn't limited to Canada.

Watch a family of bears take over a backyard pool

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Saturday, August 22, 2015, 11:58 AM - There's been a spate of bears taking over people's backyards recently, and the phenomenon isn't limited to Canada.

The latest: A large family of bears that decided to help themselves to a backyard pool in New Jersey.

Tim Basso captured videos of the mother and five cubs to went to cool off in 25oC temperatures and high humidity, posting several of them to YouTube.

As far as pool guests go, though, they aren't the most courteous. They throw several inflatable objects out of the pool, popping some of them, and a girl watching the scene isn't impressed ("No! My floatie!" she wails at one point), and is quite glum when the mum turns up.

"There's going to be hair everywhere in the pool," she says. "Yup," says a woman in the room where the bear antics were being recorded.

At one point, one of the bears even figures out how to use the slide (at around 0:20, below).

Eventually, and presumably a little more cooled off, the bears take off, leaving behind the kind of mess that wouldn't look out of place in the aftermath of your standard pool party.

Canada, meanwhile, has had plenty of weather hot enough to drive bears to drink. Here's one that set up shop in a pool in B.C.:


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