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It was sunny skies and dry in California when this daredevil went on a reverse joyride, but things could have been much worse had road conditions been slick.

Watch: Driver swerves through L.A. rush hour backwards

Leeanna McLean
Digital Reporter

Sunday, July 12, 2015, 5:03 PM - It was sunny skies and dry in California when this daredevil went on a reverse joyride, but things could have been much worse had road conditions been slick.

A driver was caught on camera going backwards down a busy stretch of road in Los Angeles during rush hour for several kilometres.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) are investigating after witness Kevin Zanazanian captured the dramatic event on his cellphone.

If this seems bizarre, closer to home, Toronto Police recently charged a man for driving in a HOV lane on the Gardiner Expressway with two mannequins.

The video above shows the driver in Los Angeles weaving through lanes down Laurel Canyon Boulevard and at points edging over the double yellow lines. The Audi is seen driving in reverse for several minutes, appearing to almost hit a pedestrian. 

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"This guy's going backwards on oncoming traffic! Amazing," Zanazanian is heard shouting in the video.

The vehicle eventually approaches busy Hollywood Boulevard, moving around other vehicles and crossing over into the left turn lane.

"Wow, look what he's doing! Look what he's doing," says Zanazanian.

Zanazanian claims there were two people in the car, a man behind the wheel and a woman in the passenger seat, he told CNN.

"It was definitely like a movie, and I think either this individual had an argument or a fight or something or just possibly wanted to be a cool guy."

The driver could be charged with a slew of things including: Reckless driving, unsafe speed, crossing double yellow lines and failure to drive on the right half of the roadway, Sgt. Tito Mariano of LAPD told CNN.

"Imagine if it was you or your family member driving and getting struck by someone doing something irresponsible," said Mariano.

Source: CNN

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