Easy ways to be plastic-free when it comes to your pets

Monday, October 21, to Monday, October 28, is Waste Reduction Week in Canada! Here are some handy tips on how to do your part.

With the spotlight increasingly on the amount of plastics in our lives, it can sometimes be a daunting challenge to cut down our own use of the material -- but what about the plastics in our pets' lives?

Many of the accessories we use to look after our pets, from food dishes and litter spades, to doggy toys, are made from plastic. Even the litter we use for our cats is often not bio-degradable.

And as we move toward diets that are not only healthier but also more sustainable, don't forget your furry companion's food might also need a rethink. Most major brands even come in non-recyclable packaging as well.

As it happens, there are plenty of options for the sustainably-minded pet owner. We asked Charlotte Carson of Clearlife Magazine for some pointers. Watch the video above for her recommendations.