Ottawa is the capital of severe weather for this storm chaser

Candid Closeup is a weekly segment that features Canadians from coast to coast who love to share their weather. In this episode, The Weather Network's Kim MacDonald talks to Andrew Macklin about his childhood, his love for weather, and his endless pursuit of the perfect tornado capture using his trusty drone.

Even as a young boy, Andrew Macklin's head was in the clouds.

His grandfather instilled in him a love for weather, especially storms. Summers at the cottage near Cobourg, Ont., meant days in the pool for his family, but for Macklin, it meant sitting on a hilltop with his papa, keeping an eye out for severe weather. They called themselves "The Storm Patrol".

As an adult, Macklin had a hard time deciding whether or not to pursue meteorology as a profession. His love for science pushed him into the field of biochemistry, but he never stopped learning about weather. In fact, while working in a lab at York University in Toronto, Macklin would sit in on atmospheric science classes just for the fun of it.

A few years ago, Macklin and his wife made Ottawa home. He thought he would miss the big storms he saw growing up in southern Ontario but quickly realized Ottawa was a hub for active weather.

Watch the video above to learn more about Andrew's love for weather and his endless pursuit of the perfect tornado capture using his trusty drone.

Want to nominate yourself or someone you know to be featured in our next Candid Closeup? Tweet @KMacTWN and share your story!

Header image courtesy of Andrew Macklin