How a B.C. community has been working to buy back a forest from timber companies

Take a look at how this community in British Columbia has been working together to buy back a forest that is owned by timber companies

Cumberland, B.C. is one of the fastest growing villages in the entire province. A big draw to this Vancouver Island region is because of a not-so-hidden gem, a beautiful old-growth Douglas fir forest. In fact, residents here call themselves "the Village in the Forest."

Over the last few decades locals have worked together to create over 200 kilometres of trails, using the forest for everything from trail running to nature walks, but one of the biggest draws has been mountain biking.

The world-class trails have attracted visitors from near and far - but here is the thing, the forest is actually privately owned by timber companies, meaning that at any moment the forest that the locals love so much could come crumbling down.

So the community got together and formed the Cumberland Community Forest Society with the goal of buying back their forest - as they worded it "one bake sale at a time."

SEE ALSO: B.C. ends wildfire-related state of emergency, but fire season is not over

The original goal was to raise 1.2 million dollars to buy back about 70 hectares of land.

Through art and CD sales, as well as organized races, they were able to buy back that land 5 years later in 2005. Since then they have purchased back over 500 acres of land.

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They are hoping that their work will inspire other communities to do the same and work together to protect what matters to them.

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