Attention Ontario homeowners, here’s a money-saving opportunity for you

For those who meet the income requirements and reside in electrically heated homes, the IESO, in partnership with Save on Energy and the Energy Affordability Program, is providing cold climate air source heat pumps to eligible households in Ontario.

If you're looking to save a few extra dollars on your energy bill, this could be a solution for you.

Qualifying homeowners in Ontario can now access a complimentary cold climate air source heat pump under the Energy Affordability Program.

This initiative, a joint effort by Save on Energy and the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) in Ontario, aims to empower residents to manage their energy consumption efficiently, resulting in reduced costs and lower carbon emissions.

In Toronto alone, an estimated 75,200 homes meet the criteria for receiving free heat pumps through this program, targeting electrically heated residences that meet specific income thresholds.

Cold Air Climate Heat Pump - Ontario eligibility

(Income eligibility)

To determine your eligibility and take advantage of this offer, visit the Save on Energy website.

To learn more, watch the video that leads this article.

(Header image credit: aprott via iStock/Getty Images Plus. Creative#: 1631231925. Image displays photorealistic 3d render of a fictitious air source heat pump. Used for illustration purposes only.)