How this Canadian's storm phobia changed his life

Candid Closeup is a weekly segment that features Canadians from coast to coast who love to share their weather. In this episode, The Weather Network's Kim MacDonald speaks to storm chaser and photographer, Chris Knox, who shares how his fear of storms ultimately led to a passionate career.

When Chris Knox was a young boy on vacation, his family experienced a powerful storm that left a lasting impression. He was afraid, and realized this could happen at any time.

In those days, you didn’t have a weather app in the palm of your hand showing you radar data or issuing alerts.

Chris made a point of learning everything he could about weather and went from being fearful to being passionate about storms.

In this episode of Candid Closeup, the Ontario photographer and storm chaser proves that knowledge really is power.

Want to nominate yourself or someone you know to be featured in our next Candid Closeup? Tweet @KMacTWN and share your story!

Thumbnail photo credit: Chris Knox/submitted.