Minnesota man's claim to fame is his frozen beard and bowl of ramen

Frigid weather, a massive beard and bowl of ramen. That’s all you need to get 42 million -- and counting -- video views, according to Minnesota entertainer, Jake Fischer.

Jake Fischer hated winter as a child, but after his newfound rise to fame stemming from his viral videos featuring his frozen beard, and some food, he definitely appreciates the season a lot more now.

The man who hails from Minnesota has taken the online world by storm with his creative and quirky videos that showcase his icy beard, eyelashes, and of course, ramen.

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So far, his videos have generated more than 42 million views.

"Yeah, so the ramen video definitely has the most views across the platform. What’s really awesome about it is it got on the front page of a newspaper in India," Fischer told The Weather Network in a recent interview. "My follower sent me a picture, and it's me on the front page...and I think that is just so awesome."

With that being said, it takes unique weather conditions to look this cold. Fischer said when he records the videos, temperatures range from -25°C to -30°C outside.

So, how does he do it? How does all of the ice build up so perfectly?

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Jake Fischer frozen beard/Instagram

(Jake Fischer/@voicesofjake)

"Well the process is...I just kind of fall asleep outside and then animals come licking my face. It froze and that’s pretty much it. I don't know if I want to give it away," said Fischer. "I'm sure people know [that] I use a mist bottle and it freezes almost instantly because it's so dang cold."

Despite the amount of time Fischer has spent outdoors in the frigid temperatures to record his videos, he's never experienced frostbite. He said his fingers get cold but he usually can withstand the temperatures and stay comfortable as he records.

Viewers are constantly asking Fischer online if his hair will break. To that, he said "nope." It just encases the hair with ice, but the actual hair and eyelashes stay perfectly intact, he added.

Fischer said the "coolest moment" was seeing his reel make the news in India.

Jake Fischer on Indian newspaper/Gujrat Samachar

(Gujrat Samachar)

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But the entertainer does have to give credit where it's due: His friend initially attempted to record the frozen ramen video, so Fischer acknowledges that he was behind the original idea.

"The reason I started doing voices and social media, and all this stuff, [is to] entertain people, yes, but to also let people know that the world is not all bad. It's OK to laugh," said Fischer. "Not everything is dark and gloomy. Here is some entertainment for the day."

Thumbnail courtesy of Jake Fischer/@voicesofjake.