Why taking an icy dip in the winter isn't a bad idea

More and more people are believing in the health benefits of cold immersion, for body and mind. The Weather Network reporter Nathan Coleman follows an eager ice-dipper in Nova Scotia named Jessica Weibe to find out why she enjoys it.

You can find Jessica Wiebe swimming in the Atlantic ocean or icy lakes year-round in Nova Scotia.

She picked up the hobby of cold-dipping while spending more time outside during the COVID-19 pandemic. She says a cold plunge can bring an increase in mental clarity.

With more people getting into cold immersion, she stated it's important to do your research before you start and to learn breathing techniques. She also has some pointers, with the first being location, as it is everything. You also want to ease your way into the cold water.

Jessica Weibe/Nathan Coleman

Jessica Weibe takes a cold dip in the winter. (Nathan Coleman/The Weather Network)

"It's really important not to jump into it, you don't want to slip under the ice because when you're under you can't really see the opening of where you came through," said Weibe.

Wiebe does a cold dip every single day during the month of January, even when there is stormy weather. So, why does she keep doing it?

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"There are a lot of physical benefits to cold-plunging but I find the mental ones are what keep me coming back. I find it's been incredible. I find I sleep better and I find presence," said Wiebe.

Watch the video above to get full story on the growing popularity ice dips and tips for how you can participate safely.