With Love, From Nova Scotia: Snow turned to message of hope

Nova Scotia woman writes a giant message of hope in snow during these 'challenging times'

One look in The Weather Network’s photo gallery will give you an idea of just how empty public spaces are across Canada.

From Niagara Falls to Canmore, Alberta, there's not much sign of human activity.

One woman in Nova Scotia turned her big empty space into a canvas to spread a message of hope on Facebook.

UGC: Message of hope in snow in Nova Scotia

Lacey Morell-Pierre (Facebook)

Lacey Morell-Pierre took to a field in Greenhill in Nova Scotia's Pictou County to write a giant message: "With Love from Nova Scotia".

Her posting dated March 30th has since been shared over a thousand times. She writes that she is sending love around the world during these challenging times and that she is humbled by how much we have come together and stands in awe of the ability of the human race to step up to support one another.

UGC: Message of hope from Nova Scotia during coronavirus

Lacey Morell-Pierre (Facebook)

She says she couldn't resist the blank canvas in her backyard and somehow got to it before the deer.

We're thankful she made it there before the rain, too!

FACEBOOK POST: Message of hope in Nova Scotia