Observe whales and other mesmerizing sea creatures on this unique B.C. tour boat

Discover the fascinating array of wildlife on Vancouver Island through engaging storytelling from knowledgeable Indigenous guides

Springtime in British Columbia is when the waters come alive.

“This is my favourite time of the year,” says Tyson Atleo, co-owner of Ahous Adventure, a tourism group that invites visitors to explore Ahousaht territories through the lens of the people who have lived on and stewarded these lands and waters since time immemorial.

For the Ahousaht Peoples, spring always meant abundance for their people. The herring spawn would bring the migrating whales back to the waters of Clayoquot Sound.

“We were wailing people, so whales were very important to us," Atleo says. "They would sustain our communities for the entire year.” 

But now, the Ahousaht First Nations are relying on the whales in a different way: through tourism. 

Ahous Adventures is the first large-scale Indigenous tourism company in the Tofino area. For Atleo, it is an opportunity to welcome visitors onto their land and share their stories of the land and the amazing animals that call this place home. 

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The Weather Network had a chance to join them on a whale-watching tour and learn more about the culture and history of the Ahousaht Peoples. Watch the video above to learn more!