Scorpion that travelled to Canada in luggage has 20 babies

A scorpion that hitched a ride to Canada in a woman's luggage has given birth to 20 healthy babies.

Gail Hammond returned home to B.C. after vacationing in Cuba. That's when she found the scorpion roaming her kitchen, Global News reports.

She brought the venomous creature to a vet, who turned it over to the Victoria Bug Zoo.

The scorpion has been named "Gail" after the woman who found her. Zoo officials say Gail and her family are doing well.

“Right now it looks like she is covered in weird, giant pimples,” Jaymie Chudiak of the Victoria Bug Zoo told Global.

Gail has attracted a steady stream of curious onlookers.

Chudiak says there isn't enough room at the zoo to house 20 full-grown scorpions so once the babies are old enough to leave mom they'll be moved to other local conservancies.

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Source: Global News