Canadian fisherman catches trifecta of rare lobsters in same season

The chances of catching a blue-coloured lobster are 1 in 2 million, while the odds of capturing an albino or calico lobster are even rarer - 1 in 100 million and 1 in 30 million, respectively.

It’s been a colourful lobster season for Donnie Falcon, who has caught, not one, but three rare specimens -- calico, albino and blue -- about a month apart.

On Friday, the P.E.I. fisherman completed the trifecta of a very unique haul, pulling in a blue lobster on the western side of the island. The albino and calico catches occurred in September.

According to the University of Maine Lobster Institute, the chances of catching a blue-coloured lobster are 1 in 2 million, while the odds of capturing an albino or calico lobster are even rarer - 1 in 100 million and 1 in 30 million, respectively, says the institute.

Lobster trio/Donnie Falcon photo

A trio of rare lobsters caught this season by Falcon, left to right: Calico, albino and blue. Photo: Donnie Falcon.

After catching the blue lobster, Falcon was hoping to add to his collection of rare species, but with only six days left in the season, and some windy conditions in the forecast, that goal "might be hard to do," he told The Weather Network.

"The albino one was pretty cool to see, as well. I've caught a few calico ones now," said Falcon.

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The fisherman's latest catch had to be released because the carapace of the blue lobster was 76 millimetres, one millimetre shy of the minimum possession size (77 mm).

"It was such an amazing colour of blue. I've never seen a blue like that before. It was so surreal," said Falcon. "When we had measured it and realized it was just shy of being the legal catch size, we took a couple pictures, then kissed it for good luck and set it back into the ocean."

Blue lobster/Donnie Falcon

On Friday, Oct. 2, Falcon pulled in a blue lobster, the third rare specimen he's caught this year. Photo: Donnie Falcon.

Falcon, who was born in Saskatchewan, moved to P.E.I. six years ago, of which, three have been spent fishing for lobster. He described Friday as "like any nice day on the water."

"There wasn't much wind, but it was sunny. Our initial reaction was excitement. We were all pretty excited to have caught one," said Falcon, on his reaction to catching the blue lobster.

Thumbnail courtesy of Donnie Falcon.