Pesky mosquitoes may continue to bug parts of Canada in the fall

The irritant bug may be extending its stay in parts of Canada this season, so keep the mosquito repellent and long-sleeve clothing nearby when planning on spending time outdoors.

If you live in Western Canada, you should keep the insect repellent nearby as you may have to contend with bothersome mosquitoes for a little longer.

This is according to Taz Stuart, an entomologist and mosquito expert who spoke to The Weather Network recently to offer insight on the status of the insect now that we're in the fall, and to share advice with Canadians on how to protect themselves from the pesky bug.

SEE ALSO: Keep mosquitoes away with this one weird trick

The tips for combatting mosquitoes can help you and your family enjoy the outdoors in the autumn before having to contend with another interruption from Mother Nature that could keep you indoors for a while: Snow.



“These are nuisance mosquitoes. The ones that are the pain in the butt when you're trying to have your final barbecue of the season or [you're] out at the lake or the cottage," said Stuart. "Those are the ones that are going to be trying to get that last blood meal to lay their eggs and be a problem next year.”

14-day 'windows' can forecast the mosquito season

According to Stuart, those on the Prairies and in parts of B.C. may be looking at a longer mosquito season this year. On the other side of the country, Ontario and Quebec look to be safe because of cooler weather but the East Coast is "on the edge." “It's important to protect yourself," he said.

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In terms of how Stuart comes up with a mosquito forecast, using 14-day "windows" helps foreshadow what could be coming, he said.

“We know by Day 14 you're going to start seeing adult mosquitoes going through their life cycle from egg to larvae, pupae and adults. This time of year, days are getting shorter," said Stuart. “If there is lots of water around, there is good adult mosquito activity present. You're going to see mosquitoes developing and still emerging.”

mosquito map/Cheryl Santa Maria Cheryl Santa Maria/The Weather Network)

To put together the 14-day window, Stuart factors in water availability, what the overnight and daytime temperatures are, and "what you're potentially going to see for biting activity at the time of day," he explained.

"In the fall, it's just like the spring. It [takes] a lot longer for them to develop because, normally, evening temperatures are below that sort of 12°C [or] 10°C [range]," said Stuart.

Mosquito activity changes in the autumn, he added.

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Mosquitoes/Taz Stuart

(Taz Stuart)

"You're looking at 5, 6, 7 [p.m.] when they're most active, and it's based on temperature, mostly. If it's less than 12°C, you're going to see no mosquitoes because they don't really like to fly at that time," said Stuart.

Stay protected in the fall

Like in the summer, you can and should use the same protective measures to keep the mosquitoes at bay during the fall. Make sure to cover yourself up when outdoors and have repellent with you.

“Using a deet-based or a picaridin-based product, [and] using the lanterns creates a zone of repellency to mosquitoes if you're in your backyard when they're most active," said Stuart. "That's where it's important to protect yourself because mosquitoes aren't gone. You still have female adults looking for blood meals and trying to lay their eggs before they die."

WATCH: Try this hack to prevent mosquitoes from hatching in your yard

Thumbnail courtesy of WikiImages/Pixabay.

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