Pro surfer gets bitten by shark, heads to bar instead of hospital

A professional surfer was bitten by a shark off the coast of a Florida beach Saturday and instead of seeking medical attention, he headed to the bar.

Frank O’Rourke, 23, was seen showing off his injured elbow, according to witnesses.

"He immediately went to a bar because he was like hey I got bit by a shark and people were like, I'll buy you drinks. so he hung out at the pier," witness and fellow surfer RJ Berger told WJXT.

O'Rourke was examined by a lifeguard once he reached the shore but opted against a hospital visit even though Berger thinks the wound may require stitches.

“Shark comes out of the water and grabs onto my arm, right by my elbow. Kinda tugs a little bit and thrashes,” he told ABC News.

“I guess it tasted me and was like, ‘Nope.'"

A surfcam set up along the beach captured the encounter, which shows O'Rourke struggling to fend off an attack from what's believed to be a metre-long spinner or blacktip shark.

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"It's inevitable, it's gonna happen," Berger says of the shark attack.

"It's happened to a couple of my friends. It does bother you but I mean, if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. There's nothing much you can do to really stop that, so try not to worry about it."

Sources: NY Post | WJXT