Weather may have had a role in creepy scenery of spiders on snowbank

When a Nova Scotia resident spotted dozens of spiders in a snowbank this season, we had questions. The Weather Network's Nathan Coleman got the answer on how common this actually is.

For a Nova Scotia resident, the sight of crawling spiders on a snowbank may have appeared to be a scene from a horror movie.

But, it wasn't. After Lucas Bourque discovered dozens of spiders sprawled out on a snowbank just outside of his home this winter, he didn't know what to think of it.

"It did give me the heebee-jeebees, that's for sure," he told The Weather Network recently.

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It wasn't just the amount of spiders that mystified him, but the fact they were out in the winter. "I was shocked because I didn't realize there were spiders out [at] this time of year," said Bourque.

Despite his fear, he quickly got his camera and began recording.

"I was with my girlfriend at the time and she doesn't like spiders, so I was like, 'you do not want to look outside,'" he said.

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Catherine Scott, spider expert, says weather conditions likely played a role in the emergence of the arachnids. Bourque says the temperature was hovering around 2°C at the time of his discovery, with several mild days leading up to it.

Watch the video above to see visuals of this unique, and for some, creepy, display of spiders walking across a snowbank.

Thumbnail courtesy of Lucas Bourque.