How to keep your phone from overheating (stay away from the fridge)


Don't even consider putting the device into a refrigerator or freezer.

Berlin (dpa) - It's hot today; where's the next ice cream parlour? Or the nearest beach or swimming spot? Your smartphone knows and can show you the way there. However, don't forget that these handy devices are just as susceptible to heat as we are.

According to the German IT industry association Bitkom, too much time in the blazing sun can damage sensitive smartphone components such as the battery and the display.

The possible consequences include reduced performance, a shortened device life, and data loss in case of a sudden shutdown.

If your phone feels hot in your hand or displays an error message, it's time to cool it down. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to prevent your phone from overheating when the weather is hot.

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Games and graphics-intensive social media apps, location services, as well as streaming or shooting videos can put additional strain on the device, so it's best to avoid these.

Energy consumption and heat generation can be reduced by turning on airplane mode.

Some protective covers can also contribute to the problem if they don't allow the heat to dissipate properly. In that case, they should be removed temporarily.

Smartphones are best stored at room temperature, so never leave them on the car dashboard or on a beach towel in the blazing sun.

A trouser pocket is also not ideal, as the phone will be additionally exposed to body heat. In sunny conditions, the phone is best kept in a backpack or covered by a cloth.

Only charge your phone when it's cool. Especially when fast charging, the device generates a lot of heat on its own, meaning an already hot device is put under even more strain.

If your phone is already hot, it can help to close apps and put it in the shade. But don't even consider putting the device into a refrigerator or freezer.

The extreme cold can damage your phone, and the sudden drop in temperature can cause condensation to form inside the device.

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(Reporting by: Peter Löschinger in Berlin. Editing by: Elena Radwan)

Header image credit: Christin Klose/dpa via Reuters Connect