IN PHOTOS: Northern Lights dance across Yukon winter skies this week

The Northern Lights were particularly radiant, and got the shutterbugs out in force.

Canada is north enough that large chunks of it get a semi-regular view of the famed aurora borealis – the Northern Lights – dancing across the sky.

Appearing when charged particles from the sun collide with Earth's atmosphere, they're a gorgeous sight, and this past week, they were particularly impressive.

Weather Network fan Brandy Golebeski snapped a few prize shots in Teslin, Yukon, on her Instagram feed, and sent them in to us as well. You can bask in them below, as well as check out other shots of the aurorae as they appeared on Twitter this week.

Yukon Aurora 1 Brandy Golebeski Instagram UGCYukon Aurora 2 Brandy Golebeski Instagram UGCYukon Aurora 3 Brandy Golebeski Instagram UGCYukon Aurora 4 Brandy Golebeski Instagram UGCYukon Aurora 5 Brandy Golebeski Instagram UGCYukon Aurora 6 Brandy Golebeski Instagram UGC