PHOTOS: Rare Friday the 13th Harvest Moon shines over Canada

The last time we saw a Friday the 13th Harvest Moon was in 1935.

One of the rarest full moons glowed in the sky last night and many ventured outdoors to capture the stunning moment.

A Harvest Moon is a full moon that falls closest to the Autumnal Equinox, and Weather Network meteorologist Scott Sutherland says that this event was particularly rare because full moons happen every 29 days or so, and having a September 13 fall on a Friday occurs only every 5 or 6 years.

"With neither of these schedules working with consistent, round numbers, you can see how it gets tough for them to line up. Add in the skips and jumps both schedules make from time to time, and putting these two events on the same day gets even tougher," says Sutherland.

Sutherland says that the last time we saw a Friday the 13th Harvest Moon was in 1935 (technically) and the next time we will see another one will be in September of 2171.

See below for the spectuacular images of the Friday the 13th Harvest Moon:

moon ugc

Submitted by Charyl Brooker. Captured in Burlington, Ontario.

ugh calgary full moon

Submitted by Darla. Captured in Calgary, Alberta.

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ugc moon ns

Harvest moon with Harbour Pilot and Coast Guard. Submitted by Robert Deviller. Captured in Herring Cove, Nova Scotia.

UGC full moon ab

Submitted by Michelle Wilkes. Captured in Lloydminister, Alberta.

full mon ugc nb

Moonlight over the Bay of Fundy at West Quaco lighthouse Submitted by Jody Smyth. Captured in St. Martins, New Brunswick.

full moon ugc Nova scotia

Submitted by Barry Burgess. Captured in Zwicker Island, Indian Point, Nova Scotia.

Thumbnail submitted by Charyl Brooker.