Hurricane Preparedness: What you need in your kit

Digital WritersThe Weather Network
Digital Writers

Protect your family and home with these tips.

Residents living in hurricane-prone areas must have an emergency route mapped out and supplies ready at all times -- but especially during the hurricane season.

To help keep you and your family safe this season, the National Hurricane Center presents some helpful tips below.

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An emergency preparedness kit should include water (2-4 litres per person), canned goods, can opener, a First Aid kit, batteries, flashlight, medication, personal documentation, a battery-operated radio, blankets and toilet paper. It's also a good idea to have spare house and car keys. Put aside some cash in small bills and coins, which would be especially useful if ATMs or debit card machines stop working.

Leave your emergency kit by the door in case you need to “grab it and go.”


When a hurricane or powerful storm is hitting, people in low-lying coastal areas should stay over with family or friends who live on higher grounds. It's also important to keep away from the water.


With high winds and rain, homeowners are urged to trim loose branches. Make sure there's no debris that could be blown away through the high winds. The time before a storm is also a great opportunity to put lawn furniture away and ensure that items outside of your house are secure. Some other good ideas include making a list of contact information of family members, health providers, employers. While you're at it, move your vehicle away from trees, which could topple over. It is also advised that you clear your drains and make sure your windows are closed.

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Every family is unique, and has different needs. A family with young children needs to think of ways to keep its smallest members occupied if the lights go out. A board game could do the trick. Stock up on any medication you might need, whether it is over-the-counter or prescription, and get an extra pair of eyeglasses, if possible.

Just as you need to have food and water for yourself, you also need to provide those essentials for your pets. Be sure to keep them inside during stormy weather.

WATCH BELOW: Why having a ham radio during storms could be crucial

SOURCE: National Weather Service

Thumbnail image source: Getty Images