Watch incredible 'Levanter Cloud' roll over the Rock of Gibraltar

A timelaspse video captures the iconic Levanter Cloud rolling over the Rock of Gibraltar on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, air travelers were treated to a stunning view of a Levanter Cloud rolling over the Rock of Gibraltar.

It was visible from the runway at the Gibraltar International Airport, as flights both arrived and departed through the afternoon.

The Met Office in Gibraltar posted a timelapse video of the unique phenomena on Twitter, picking up over one million views by the morning hours Thursday.

The Mediterranean region is known for unique and often spectacular weather phenomena like this one that occurred. On Wednesday, an easterly wind, known as the "levant," sent a plume of cloud streaming off the Rock in spectacular fashion.

"These "banner clouds" occur when air which is moist, but not totally saturated, interacts with a sharp mountain peak," explains Michael Carter, a meteorologist at The Weather Network. "As the atmosphere flows over and around the peak, an area of lower pressure forms on the downwind or "lee" side. This slightly lower pressure causes condensation to occur, leading to the formation of a streamer of cloud in an otherwise clear sky."

BannerCloud Formation

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Gibraltar is a small British overseas territory, which is home to about 33,000 people. The narrow territory stretches between Spain and the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea.

BannerCloud Definition

Thumbnail image courtesy: Met Office Gibraltar