Ontario hydro crews receive East Coast hospitality during Fiona cleanup

The Weather Network Storm Hunter and meteorologist Mark Robinson spoke to a Hydro One responder about the damage inflicted by Fiona in Atlantic Canada, and the warmth the crews received from local community members.

In the aftermath of any storm, you can usually count on the kindness of others to help you and the community rally back from disaster.

Such was the experience of Hydro One crews sent to Atlantic Canada to help restore power following the devastation caused by Fiona in September. The hydro crews recently returned home and expressed their gratitude for the hospitality they received during their stay on the East Coast.

"I can't say enough good things about the Maritime hospitality," Brooke Fraser, customer operations manager at Hydro One, told Mark Robinson, The Weather Network meteorologist and Storm Hunter, in a recent interview.

Watch the video above to get the full story on the experience of Hydro One workers assisting with the Fiona cleanup efforts in Atlantic Canada.