Oshawa's weather forecast: Rain with brighter skies ahead

Residents of Oshawa will want to keep their rain gear handy. Tuesday presents a notably wet forecast.

Tuesday's temperature will hover around a cool 12°C, accompanied by winds at a gentle 12km/h. A significant 80 per cent chance of precipitation means there's a high likelihood of encountering rain, with expected rainfall reaching between 5-10mm.

This rainfall contributes to a high relative humidity of 88 per cent, adding a damp and heavy feel to the day's atmosphere.

Tuesday evening

Moving into the evening, the clouds will persist, and the chance of showers remains; however, the likelihood drops to 40 per cent with lighter rain totals near 1mm forecasted. A drop in temperature to 8°C and an increase in relative humidity to 94 per cent could result in fog patches developing overnight – so, late-night drivers should be cautious.

No weather alerts are currently active, suggesting no extreme conditions are expected. Residents can anticipate the damp weather today to ease off, making way for drier and sunnier days as the week progresses. Keep umbrellas close for now, but look forward to shedding the layers and seeing the sun soon.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

Header image: Getty Images.