Rain showers, possible thunder, close out April in southern Ontario

April will be coming to a close, trying to get in a few more showers for those May flowers, and maybe a few rumbles of thunder

The weekend brought southern Ontarians a taste of summer with warm temperatures, rain, and muggy air hanging over the region. Now as we close out the month of April, folks may be hoping for a turn back to the sunny side of spring.

Unfortunately, the last two days of the month will be spent trying to give the May flowers that last little bit of April showers.

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Monday sees cooler temperatures, but showery evening

Folks woke up on Monday morning feeling a little chillier compared to Sunday's start to the day. Despite the majority of the day being relatively dry, cloudy skies will continue to keep the sunshine away.

Baron_Easterly wind Ontario_Temperature difference_April 29

The cloudy skies may begin to darken slightly in southwestern Ontario by the late afternoon and evening hours as a stateside system makes its way across the border.

In addition to the rain, a risk for strong thunderstorms lies from Windsor to Sarnia as the system steams into Canada. Small hail and gusty winds are the main hazards with these storms.

Southern Ontario thunderstorm risk map April 29 2024

The system will make its way to the Greater Toronto Area in the late evening hours, although the thunderstorm risk will gradually decrease as it makes its approach. The rain will then continue to track up into eastern Ontario through the overnight hours.

Southern Ontario Monday evening precip forecast April 29 2024

Rain showers continue through Tuesday

Yet another round of rain showers will move into southern Ontario on Tuesday morning, persisting through the afternoon and into the evening and ending April off on a damp note.

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Southern Ontario Tuesday morning precip forecast April 29 2024

Looking ahead into the beginning of May we'll see mild, more spring-like temperatures return to the region. We may even see a few days of above-seasonal temperatures, giving us another taste of the summer ahead before temperatures once again cool down to seasonal.

Stay with The Weather Network for more forecast information and updates on your weather across southern Ontario.

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