Sacramento weather forecast: Sunny day ahead

Sacramento is all set to enjoy a full day of sun-drenched skies and breezy conditions this May 16.

Thursday morning

Morning in Sacramento will see temperatures at a pleasant 59°F, with a southerly wind of 9 mph. The skies will be virtually clear with 1% cloud cover.

Thursday afternoon

As the afternoon unfolds, temperatures will climb to 81°F paired with moderate southwest winds moving at 14 mph. The negligible cloud cover, ranging between 1% to 6%, ensures uninterrupted sunshine.

Thursday evening

Clear skies will continue into the evnening and the temperature will drop to 66°F. The wind remains steady from the south at 13 mph.

Sacramento's forecast is free of any significant weather advisories, with a 0% chance of precipitation.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

Header image: Getty.