Seattle weekend weather forecast: Cloudy weekend ahead

Seattle's weather forecast predicts a weekend of cloudy skies and showers.


On Friday, the city will experience cloudy conditions with showers throughout the day, with a high temperature of 57ºF and a 40% chance of rain (~0.04 inches). The southerly wind will blow at 15 mph. In the evening, scattered showers will continue, with a low of 48ºF and a 70% chance of rain (0.04-0.12 inches).


Saturday will bring cloudy skies with scattered showers, a high temperature of 55ºF, and a 70% chance of rain (0.08-0.16 inches) accompanied by a 19 mph southerly wind. In the evening, there will be clear breaks in the clouds with a chance of showers, a temperature drop to 48º, a 40% chance of rain (<0.04 inches), and an 11 mph southerly wind. Only 1 hour of sunshine is expected.


Sunday will continue the trend of cloudy skies with showers throughout the day, with a high temperature of 57ºF, a 70% chance of rain (~0.04 inches), and an 11 mph southerly wind.

Residents are advised to prepare for wet conditions and to plan outdoor activities accordingly.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

Header image: Getty.