Snow tunnels can be fun but please play safely

Playing in the snow is a common Canadian activity -- but remember to stay safe.

Residents of Newfoundland are still digging out from Friday's historic blizzard which dumped more than 100 cm of snow in some places.

As of Monday, schools and businesses remained closed across the region -- providing residents with time to get outside and play.

While fun in the snow is a trademark Canadian pastime, large mounds of snow can be hazardous.

Here's how to enjoy post-blizzard conditions safely.

Snow tunnels aren't structurally sound. Snow forts and tunnels can be an endless source of fun -- provided they don't have a roof or ceiling. These can easily collapse, burying people and pets that may be inside. Try constructing walled-in, roof-free structures.

Monitor young children when playing outside. And further to that ...

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... Children of all ages should not play outside alone in the snow. If your children are old enough to be left alone outside, make sure they know where they can find you if needed.

Make sure children aren't playing near roads or concealed objects. Buried fire hydrants, for example, can cause injury if jumped or fallen on.

High pressure will build over Atlantic Canada, bringing clear skies and a break in the snow for the remainder of the week. Residents will have to bundle up though, with below-seasonal temperatures and frigid wind chills on the way.


Thumbnail image courtesy of Glenn. Photo of snowfall in Torbay, Newfoundland and Labrador on January 17, 2020.