Take your green thumb indoors with these 6 houseplant products

There's an art to cultivating a good set of house plants, and that includes being prepared.

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Indoor house plants Min An Pexels

Photo: Min An/Pexels

Spring foliage needn’t just be an outdoor thing. In fact, aside from looking pretty, nurturing a few house plants has documented mental health benefits, and is scientifically proven to improve your home’s air quality. Whether your green thumb is newly discovered, or you’re an old hand at horticulture looking for a few new tricks, here are six products we recommend.

How To Grow Fresh Air: 50 Houseplants That Purify Your Home Or Office

22-03-28 Fresh Air Book Amazon



If you’re a first-timer when it comes to greening up the interior of your home, some research isn’t a bad place to start. There are several books that aim to help you pick the right kind of plant for your home, but we selected this one for a reason: its author, B.C. Wolverton, was the lead researcher on a 1989 NASA study about plants and their ability to remove pollutants from the air – definitely a good person to ask for advice on the subject.

Why we’d order it:

  • Assesses 50 plants on their suitability for your home

  • At 176 pages in total, a digestible read

  • Rated 4.7 out of 5 by users who bought it on Amazon.ca

DESHENG Bamboo Plant Stand

22-03-28 plant stand



Rather than scattering your various potted plants around the house (which is fine if that’s your preference), one option is to concentrate them in one place where they’ll have plenty of access to light and air. We liked the look of this bamboo plant stand from Desheng, with its relatively large capacity and warm, inviting wood frame.

Why we’d order it

  • Four tiers can support up to nine potted plants of varying sizes

  • Light and compact enough to fit almost anywhere in your home

  • Rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 278 ratings on Amazon.ca

Like what you see? Check out our Shop the Weather articles for more must-have product recommendations.

ETGLCOZY Self Watering Pots for Indoor Plants

22-03-28 Self watering pots Amazon



Maybe you’d like a set of smaller plants, distributed discreetly around your home – and, maybe, you’re on the go enough that watering them every day might seem like an insurmountable chore. If that’s the case, you needn’t be put off of houseplants entirely: These self-watering pots from ETGLCOZY can at least partially take that task out of your hand, using a cotton wick to help plants soak up what they need from the reservoir below. You’ll still need to remember to refill the reservoirs from time to time, though.

Why we’d order it

  • Comes in multiple bundles with varying pot sizes, depending on your needs

  • Up to 14 days’ worth of water fits into each reservoir, according to the manufacturer

  • Rated 4.5 out of 5 on Amazon.ca, based on almost 400 reviews

AquaOasis Cool Mist Humidifier

22-03-22 Humidifier Amazon



We’ve recommended this AquaOasis dehumidifier before, as one tool to help keep allergies at bay, but anyone can benefit from proper humidity control, and your plants will thank you, particularly if you opt for more tropical varieties. Aside from the cute design, its 2.2-litre tank is large enough for it to run for up to 24 hours on a single fill, with an automatic shutoff option – and it’s a runaway favourite among users who buy it off of Amazon.ca

Why we’d order it

  • Multiple mist settings, and 360° rotating nozzle

  • Low noise levels, ideal for sleeping

  • Rated 4.4 out of 5 on Amazon.ca, based on an astounding 39,000 reviews

READ MORE: 5 products to help you get ahead of allergy season

MARPHYL Organic Liquid Plant Food

22-03-28 Plant Food Amazon



Even when nestled in good soil, your indoor plants can sometimes use a nutrient boost. Of all the plant food options we looked at, we were most intrigued by this soil enhancer from Marphyl. It’s based on marine phytoplankton – famously nutrient-rich ocean algae – and can be used on just about any kind of plant or produce.

Why we’d order it

  • Non-toxic and pet safe

  • Made in Canada

  • Rated 4.6 out of 5 on Amazon.ca, based on more than 5,700 rating

EcoCanucks Sticky Traps

22-03-28 sticky traps



Finally, you wouldn’t want to put in the time and care to grow some truly beautiful and calming foliage in your house only to have your work undone by bugs. Bug traps can be effective, and this set from EcoCanucks can help. These non-toxic glue traps are effective against gnats and fruit flies, along with other critters like aphids.

Why we’d order it

  • Comes in packs of 20 or 50, twist ties included

  • Butterfly shape adds a touch of style

  • Rated 4.4 out of 5 on Amazon.ca, based on 2,500 reviews

Like what you see? Check out our Shop the Weather articles for more must-have product recommendations.

Our trusted Product Specialists recommend high-quality items that we think will enhance your experience with Canadian weather conditions. Prices and availability of items are accurate at the time of publication and are subject to change.

Thumbnail image courtesy Min An/Pexels