October 9, 1963 - Landslide Kills 2,000 in Italy

The Diga del Vajont dam was built to fail — great design, terrible location.

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On October 9, 1963, the Diga del Vajont dam collapsed creating a landslide and killing 2,000 people.

This is one of those cringe-worthy stories as the dam was doomed before it was even built.

The dam was created to supply hydroelectric power to Northern Italy. The resevoir could hold 300,000 cubic feet of water.

Vaiont Gorge built a solid dam but in a terrible location. The dam was located in the Vaiont Gorge, a section of the Alps known for its instability.

Before the dam collapsed on October 9, there had been an extended period of heavy rain in the area. There was too much pressure for the dam to contain the water, so it burst, creating a massive landslide.

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Learn more about this tragic event on today's episode of "This Day In Weather History".

"This Day In Weather History” is a daily podcast by The Weather Network that features unique and informative stories from host Chris Mei.