Almost 1 million people were left without power during Québec windstorm

On this day in weather history, Québec faced a widespread blackout.

This Day In Weather History is a daily podcast by Chris Mei from The Weather Network, featuring stories about people, communities and events and how weather impacted them.


On November 1, 2019, almost 1 million people across Québec lost electricity. A wind and rain storm knocked out power lines across the province.

"We have hundreds of trees down on the lines across the province. We have some electricity poles that are broken because of the wind," said Hydro-Québec's spokesperson Cendrix Bouchard.


*Courtesy of HydroQuebec"

Over 2,100 incidents were reported to Hydro-Québec; around 600 line workers were sent to repair the outages.

The wind across southwestern Québec reached speeds of 90 km/h. Montreal also received 53 mm of rain, and other areas of Québec received up to 100 mm.

Courtesy HydroQuebec

Courtesy of HydroQuebec

Areas across Québec also experienced flooding and landslides.

One person died when a tree fell on him. Another person was injured when part of a brick wall crumbled in Montreal.

To learn more about the 2019 Québec blackout, listen to today's episode of "This Day In Weather History."

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