Expired News - On the first day of spring: 12 signs that we're over winter - The Weather Network
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Our readers have been sending in the picture and one thing is clear: people are ready for spring

On the first day of spring: 12 signs that we're over winter

Friday, March 20, 2015, 1:16 PM - Winter has felt eternal this year and as resilient as Canadians are, it's becoming clear we're ready for winter to be over.

Take a look at some of the best pictures submitted by our viewers that illustrate the signs that tell you people are over winter.

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1. Any positive temperature is warm enough to be considered "patio weather"

Pamela Kaczmarczyk - Arkona, Ontario. March 8, 2015

2. It brings a smile to your face to see the snow thaw

Jerylin Matlock - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. March 10, 2015

3. You're desperate to return to all your favourite outdoor activities like canoeing. . .

Clifford Neufeld - Kindersley, Saskatchewan. March 7, 2015

4. . . . or fishing . . .

Paul Prowse - Saint Mary's, Ontario. March 3, 2015

5. . . . or just napping on a comfy log

Conny Hueppi - Revelstoke, British Columbia. March 1, 2015

6. You're willing to give a helping hand to those that have suffered winter beside you.

Carol Hawken - Parry Sound, Ontario. March 6, 2015

7. Everything starts to look a little more "spring-like"

Mike Tamasi - London, Ontario. March 8, 2015

8. It's exciting to see the flowers bloom. . .

Britt Swoveland - Victoria, British Columbia. February 11, 2015

9. ...Even if you have to take matters into your own hands.

Daina Budde - Waterville, Nova Scotia. March 8, 2015

10. You feel pure ecstasy when it looks and feels like a warm spring day. . .

Madelein Guenette - Nelson, British Columbia. March 8, 2015.

11. . . . And sometimes when it doesn't.

Nyree Ohaus - Garson, Ontario. March 9, 2015

12. But most importantly, you know you're ready for a change of season, when you've already mentally decided that winter is over.

Sharon Osvald - Brighton, Ontario. February 25, 2015

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