Expired News - Seven tips to make the most of this fall running season - The Weather Network
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Runners rejoice! The days of sweltering in the hot sun and battling a 30+ humidex are no more. Let the fresh fall air flow through your lungs as you train for a race, enjoy a newly coloured route and do what you do best, RUN!

Seven tips to make the most of this fall running season

Rachel Schoutsen
Presenter, The Weather Network

Thursday, September 27, 2018, 4:34 PM - Runners rejoice! The days of sweltering in the hot sun and battling a 30+ humidex are no more.

Let the fresh fall air flow through your lungs as you train for a race, enjoy a newly coloured route and do what you do best, RUN!

Here are some tips for running in the fall:

  • Test your shoes: After you have logged many kilometers during the summer your shoes may need to be changed. Have a look and see how warn the tread is, if you have ran over 500 km in them, it’s usually time for a new pair.
  • Sleep in: You no longer have to battle the heat. So sleep in, forget about starting your run at 6 AM. Get some extra zzzz’s and let your body rest.
  • Remember to hydrate: While you are not sweating as much you are still working up a sweat and loosing hydration. Water packs are needed. Sunscreen too, the UV rays are not as extreme but can still do damage.
  • Watch the weather: As the season changes we need to watch for new elements in the forecast. The fall often brings in strong winds which can really make for a challenging run. Rain can be cold and heavy especially when tracking Nor’easters. And temperatures are quickly falling, your morning run can be a little slippery as shallow puddles may freeze.

  • Test new gear: Your running wardrobe is changing quick, from shorts to tights, tanks to long sleeves. Make sure you are getting used to the new clothing – maybe you are even opting for gloves. You never want to be using something for the first time on race day.
  • Enjoy the colours: Find a new route in your area where the colours are just bursting with fall foliage. Your 5, 10, 15 km run will be done in no time as you enjoy the beauty of the route.
  • Sign up for a race: Put your training to the test. One of the best rewards is completing a race and there are so many happening in the fall. Now is the time to participate in "marathon season." Many runs offer your full 42.2 km marathon. If you are not ready for this yet; half marathon (21.1 km), 10 km, and 5 km are great options.

There is nothing more rewarding than completing a race! Let me know how your training is going and if you are running a race this season. I am always up for a conversation about running, just ask Jaclyn Whittal.

Run short, long, fast or slow. Just get out there and do it. This is the best season for Canadian runners.

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